Picked by Hand

Gifts curated by age and interest

1 Year Olds

As a 1-year old, baby is becoming a capable tiny human. He is experimenting with walking and climbing up stairs, able to repeat a few words and is beginning to feed himself. Basic commands can be obeyed – but wait six months until baby purposefully does the opposite of such commands! Baby is intrigued by his reflection and will test out the presence of his “twin” as he shifts in front of the mirror.

Six months brings a big developmental leap. At 18 months, baby is learning he can run and kick a motionless ball. Vocabulary increases meteorically: from a few words to 200 words. Baby enjoys building (not just knocking down!) short towers. This age and stage brings advent of the dreaded temper tantrum.

Browse each of the interest areas under 1 Year Olds for gifts appropriate for this age and stage.